What do you consider cheating in Pokemon Go?

Survey of the community to help define cheating.

Posted by eric654256 on January 23, 2019

Goto the cheating survey

A possible definition of cheating would be playing in unintended ways to gain an advantage. Obvious things would include GPS spoofing and multi-accounting which are explicitly listed in the TOS in the section titled "Cheating". However, I would like to add any work derived from these actions is also cheating (similar to buying stolen goods).

There are other forms that may violate section 6 of the TOS, which I call the hacking section.

  1. Decompiling the APK
  2. Getting the network traffic for research tasks
  3. IV calculators
  4. Decompiling Game Master file

Since most people believe they are not cheaters, this survey is only making the one-sided case for cheating. But there are other definitions of cheating and please answer according to your personal definition of cheating.

This survey is anonymous. You're not required to login, and all I see are only the responses to the questions.

As with all surveys, this only reflects the opinions of those surveyed, i.e. English speaking Reddit and Twitter users. Also, as with any survey about negative behavior, non-response bias is high. Along with other problems, if you intend to use the results for anything scientific, you're crazy.